Just like grapes, nasal polyps hang down from your nasal passages and give you breathing problems, recurring infection, and even allergies. If you go to your doctor, you’ll likely be given some medications to reduce the size or get rid of the polyps. In some severe situations, a surgical procedure may be suggested. For instance, a procedure called polypectomy is performed to remove the polyp.
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But did you know that you can treat nasal polyps without undergoing any medical procedure? In fact, you can shrink these annoying tumors naturally. Here are some home remedies that can be effective against nasal polyps.
1. Chili peppers
Chili peppers are rich in a chemical called capsaicin. This has the ability to improve blood flow and shrink the swelling of the nasal passages. This claim is supported by numerous studies conducted in 2000 by Baudoin T, Kalogjera L, and Hat J; in the same year by Zheng C, Wang Z, and Lacroix JS; and in 1996 by Filiaci F and his peers. Their findings are basically the same – that capsaicin has the ability to treat nasal polypsis.
2. Vegetables rich in antioxidants
In a 2004 study conducted by Dagli M and his team, the role of free radicals was examined in relation to nasal polyps. The team concluded that antioxidants can prevent free-radical-mediated tissue damage in patients with nasal polyps.
This means that eating foods rich in antioxidants can decrease the swelling or get rid of these polyps. Examples of antioxidants-rich foods include broccoli and spinach.
3. Castor oil
Castor oil has several benefits, including the reduction of the size of polyps. The working mechanism of castor oil is not yet fully understood, but experts believe that it strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight against bacterial and viral infections.
4. Saline irrigation
This procedure involves flushing out the nasal cavities with a salt water solution. This should clear out the sinus and eliminates bacteria found in the cavities, thereby preventing bacterial infections.
5. Xanthium
You can go to a herbalist or a homeopath for a procedure that involves the use of Xanthium. Xanthium has long been used in some parts of Asia (such as China and India) as an anti-inflammatory drug. The drug opens sinus passages and shrinks nasal polyps.
6. Tea Tree Oil
Just like Xanthium, tea tree oil is effective in reducing inflammation. To use tea tree oil, simply apply the oil to the polyps using a cotton bud. After a few hours, expect an improvement of your breathing.
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