We have a variety of treatments available to treat prostate cancer but the prostate cancer surgery is the best of all. Surgery is even more effective if the cancerous condition is in its initial stage.

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Prostatectomy, as it is known by the medical experts, is a surgical process where the surgeons take out cancerous cells present in the prostate gland and also remove the prostate itself. However a person undergoing a prostate cancer surgery can choose from the two types of surgery options that are open surgery and laparoscopy, depending on their health condition and funds.

Conventional Versus Contemporary

The conventional method of a prostate cancer surgery is to cut open the lower abdomen of the patient to easily reach the affected part and then the prostate gland is taken out of its place surgically. But this surgical process is performed only if the prostate has extremely enlarged in the affected person or if the doctor diagnoses a cancerous development in a persons prostate. In both the conditions the prostate gland is completely amputated.

Open prostate cancer surgery has its own disadvantages. While removing the affected prostate gland there is a great risk of harming the muscles, nerves and tissues adjoining the prostate gland that may harm the persons sexual life. With the help of latest techniques and modern medical equipments experts have become proficient in removing the prostate gland with the least risk of harming the nerves, tissues or muscles during the prostate cancer surgery.

On the other hand, in a laparoscopy method of surgery there is a small opening made to slot in various instruments. These instruments also include light and camera that help the surgeon trace the affected prostate gland without cutting the whole part open. Then with the help of the video other surgical instruments are put in through the small perforation to amputate the cancerous prostate gland.

While talking about the latest prostate cancer surgery techniques, the Da Vinci system is the most talked about method in which the prostate gland is removed by a couple of surgeons with the help of a computer. When one of the surgeons performs a customary surgery the other surgeon makes use of a computer system that guides the surgery with a robotic arm. This computerized technique is really helpful in cases when the prostate surgery is carried at sensitive areas and needs careful handling.

The process of diagnosing prostate cancer varies from person to person depending on the magnitude and the type of cancer after which the prostate treatment is decided. The best feature of a prostate cancer surgery is that a person has to undergo the treatment only once unlike other non-surgical treatments that may need numerous sittings with the doctor. But before the surgery is performed the doctor will have to check if the cancer is only in the prostate gland or has it multiplied affecting other body parts. If you doubt that you have some prostate problem, immediately consult a doctor because if the condition is neglected it can result in incontinency and impotency.