Cracked Teeth. A tooth broken from trauma or any other cause may not be painful or diseased itself, but jagged, sharp edges of the teeth are often points of chronic irritation for the gums, cheeks and tongue. Continued irritation becomes serious eventually, as a possible cause of cancer and other disease within the mouth. Broken, cracked teeth, therefore, are always a matter of concern for the dentist, in the prevention of further disease.

Pyorrhea. Pyorrhea is responsible for the greatest proportion of teeth lost during the adult years. The tooth itself is not involved but the surrounding gum is infected and discharges pus as it recedes farther and farther. It is difficult to check and seeks to destroy the tooth socket in the bone. Pyorrhea is most often due to a slackening in routine dental care in later years, accompanied by a foregone conclusion that the teeth will become lost eventually, no matter what care is given them. After the teeth are lost, the gums overcome the infection and the Pyorrhea is ended.

False Teeth. After the loss of permanent teeth, the wearing of dentures and plates is dictated more by custom of society rather than by absolute necessity. Adjustment to the wearing of artificial teeth may be quite difficult at times, but such problems are usually solved with patience, especially when under the care and guidance of a good dentist.

Cancer and Similar Growths of the Gums. Cancer involving the gums usually extends from cancer growing in the floor of the mouth or side of the tongue. It appears as an ulcerating, irregular sore similar to a large canker sore, and it bleeds easily. There are several other growths of the gums which are difficult to identify or distinguish from cancer. Accurate diagnosis then requires an exact medical investigation, including x-ray study and microscopic identification.

The treatment of cancer of the gum as well as other similar growths, is usually a matter of surgery or x-ray treatment. Because such treatments are markedly successful in early stages but sadly unsuccessful in later stages, continual soreness anywhere on the gums as well as other regions of the mouth should be brought with haste to proper medical authorities.

San Diego Cosmetic Dentist – is ready to serve you for your dental problems.