Target Obesity

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. Though there are certain medical conditions that cause uncontrolled weight gain, the majority of Americans are over weight and obese because of over eating and poor food choices. Obesity is repulsive and unhealthy. Prevention of obesity is worth many pounds of cure truly.

You may add a few pounds during holiday cheer. You enjoy cookies, fudge, delicious gravies and a few glasses of eggnog. But people shed this weight as soon as they fall to their normal eating habits. When you reduce your calories you lose your weight.

You should seriously target obesity when you gain ten pounds or more and it does not come down. It is a danger sign when weight increases but does not decrease. Take action immediately as losing ten or twenty pound is easier than losing hundred pounds.

When your clothes are too snug you should think of losing weight. Many people have separate sections in their closet for fat clothes and skinny clothes. It is both a needless expense and a psychological trick on yourself. You accept your obesity as a matter of fact. You condone it by thinking that gaining weight is natural as you grow old. You dont bother about dress size. You pat yourself and feel that you are o.k.

This attitude denies you the motivation to prevent obesity. You should not wait till the day when a child in the grocery tells her mom that you are a very fat woman you cannot deny that fact. Your token attempt to diet will not succeed and you dont stick to the program. The central problem of preventing obesity starts in the mind.

To get motivated take the help of online sites and calculate your BMI. Understand the many health problems you may face like heart disease, poor circulation, diabetes, and joint stress damage. See your old photo albums when you were normal weight. See and compare the photo with your present obese picture. Try one of your skinny clothes.

Check up with your doctor and ensure you have no medical condition like a thyroid imbalance. If it is not, get ready to diet. You should always remember that prevention of obesity is your goal.

Reduce the intake of calories. Keep a journal for a week and write down every cracker and soda that you take. Get a calorie counter book. Take the help of the doctor to plan a healthy diet for you that is right.

With a radical motivation which is the key to lose weight you can shed the extra pounds and lead a normal and happy life.