Pain. This is a large word and covers a lot of ground, but when it comes from the colon it has several identifying marks. An aching pain in the rectum, with a feeling of fullness and a sensation of continuing bowel movement, sometimes arises from a growth, and should not be ignored. Cramping or griping pain when due to the colon is felt low in the abdomen. When caused by a tumor, the colon attempts to move the unwelcome growth along and these attempts we feel as powerful contractions or cramps.

General symptoms such as loss of weight and general weakness are present in cancer but also in other diseases such as mental disease, gall bladder disease and others, and these difficulties also must be considered. Obviously a competent physician’s examination is necessary to accurately diagnose cancer of the colon.

Abdominal cavity

Fig. 92. Hernias are weak spots in the abdominal wall, usually resulting from inherited muscle and fascial weakness. Popular fallacy, based on legal compensation, places the blame on injury incurred at work.

Treatment of colon cancer is strictly a surgical procedure, essentially consisting in removing the segment of colon containing the cancer. The problem is a complex one and the operation must be done by an experienced surgeon. The prospects of complete recovery are very good when the cancer is discovered and removed before it has spread to other regions of the body.

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