Knowing about chronic bronchitis and its natural cures

Bronchitis or swelling in the air tubes that get irritated and swollen with mucus blocking the airways could start off with irritants like tobacco, dust and chemical fumes and cause severe coughing. It is to be understood that mucus in the air tubes or bronchi could facilitate trapping of bacteria and other pathogens and cause infections that could extend to the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. Acute bronchitis could come as attacks that last for a short time, however chronic bronchitis is more of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that could last for months or even a few years.

Chronic bronchitis is more often caused with exposure to airborne irritants like cigarette smoke and environmental pollution. So natural cures for chronic bronchitis rests on elimination of the irritants or allergies with chances of turning into more problematic and worse conditions like asthma and pneumonia. It is best understood that acute bronchitis is contagious, but chronic bronchitis does not contain any risk of being passed on.

Natural cures for chronic bronchitis maybe easy

You may think that doing exercises is harmful, but far to the contrary mild exercise like walking, simple yoga and pranayama exercises and deep breathing exercises help to facilitate easy breathing with strengthening the muscles involved in breathing. Exercises outdoors in the fresh morning air helps to get fresh unpolluted air. Exercises could help, but your doctors advice is very necessary before starting the exercise regimen.

Deep breathing exercises or breathing in and out of the mouth slowly with lips partially closed helps to slow down the fast breathing accompanied in chronic bronchitis. It is also found that natural cures for chronic bronchitis rest on taking hot and warm water baths and showers. The breathing in of steam helps to stop chronic coughs and facilitate the elimination of mucus from the airways.

In addition it is best to do steam inhalations with herbs like eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint, and rosemary. These set of home cures for chronic bronchitis can be done at home with a commercial steamer or a pressure cooker in which the water is boiled with herbs and opening the weight a bit at a time. Keeping the boiling water in a heat resistant bowl on a table and covering ones head with a towel helps experience an antiseptic, expectorant, and airway-relaxing feeling.

Moisture and humidity have always played a role in the natural cures of chronic bronchitis. Drinking a lot of fluids helps not only get something nutritious when one cannot take solids, but it also helps dilute the mucous in the lungs to be expelled out easily. In addition humidifiers and vaporizers could greatly help if you suffer from chronic bronchitis. They help to prevent the thickening of mucous and its building on the walls of the bronchi and relieve persistent coughing.

Dietary Changes- some natural cures for chronic bronchitis

Natural cures for chronic bronchitis rests on healthy diets that involve abstaining from dairy and high sugar foods. Eliminating dairy products helps do away with the increase and thickening of mucous that could turn difficult to eliminate. Use of spicy foods like cayenne pepper, picante sauce, and jalapenos helps in easy and quick elimination of mucous. Consumption of more fresh fruits and will give ample vitamins and antioxidants, with Vitamin A being very beneficial for respiratory health.

Arent these natural cures for chronic bronchitis within your reach?