Learn How To Get Rid Of Warts On Foot And Legs

Knowing about warts helps to get rid of them

You may think that it is only touching toads that cause unsightly and embarrassing bumps and group of bumps, but it is also true when you get warts in different shapes, sizes and appearances with pain and great discomfort. Warts are caused by a special strain of human papilloma virus that is passed or acquired by cuts in the skin and with contact. Found in feet, hands, legs and face and genital warts could be of various types. The most common warts, namely flat plantar warts growing on the bottom and sides of ones foot could be very painful as it bears the weight of the body. Flat warts, small, smooth and round and oval in shape appear in large clusters in any part of the body, with children getting them on the faces, men in the beards, while most women get them in the legs and they are spread by cuts and scratching.

Knowing how to get rid of warts on foot and legs helps

You would surely like to try home remedies to get rid of warts on foot and legs. The first home remedy that you would surely benefit from is the use of duct tape to cover the warts. Just apply a duct tape of the right size over the wart and leave it for 6 days before removing it. After soaking your affected foot or legs for a few minutes allow to dry before using a pumice stone or emery board to remove the dry skin. Apply another tape in the morning and repeat the process a few times before the warts is fully cured.

Most home remedies have sworn by garlic with its use helping to get rid of warts. Fresh garlic can be crushed well and then rubbed directly on the warts, with a bandage being applied to cover it. However it is best to be cautious and not allow the garlic applied to spread to the remaining uninfected skin, with application of petroleum jelly on the surrounding area helping in it. You would appreciate knowing that fresh basil leaves can be crushed and applied on warts and secured with a waterproof tape. Done for a week you would find that most warts would be killed with the virus fighting ingredients present in basil.

Bananas and lemon have always helped for good health, with peels of bananas and lemon being very useful in not only dissolving the warts that already exist, but also helping in discouraging further growth of warts. Cutting the peel of the bananas and lemon to fit the size of the warts and putting a tape on it just before bedtime helps. It is true that most doctors prescribe Vitamin C to fight infection, with a paste made of Vitamin C tablets mixed with water helps not only fighting human papilloma virus, but also helps eliminate warts surely with their property of high acidity.

You would really benefit from having a dandelion in your garden. Allowing its sap to drip on the warts daily helps to aid the disappearance of warts. It is best to realize that dandelions treated with herbicides should not be used. Some irritation may be experienced that is due to immune systems reaction to fight the warts. The sap obtained with making small cuts on an unripe papaya can be collected and then allowed to coagulate. Then you can apply this thick sap mixed with a bit of water on the warts, every morning and evening. Papaya is believed to have an enzyme that helps digest dead tissue.

Some other well known remedies from home include applying vinegar on warts with a cotton wool and then following it up with securing it with a band-aid. Applying castor oil on warts daily helps to keep the skin moist and helps to remove the tough skin. In addition rubbing the gel of aloe vera on warts daily helps in getting rid of them. Soaking the foot and legs in hot water for about quarter of an hour daily also helps.

All these remedies go to answering the question of how to get rid of warts on foot and legs at home.