Learn About Great Dry Cough Home Remedies For Children That Work

Know the dry cough to find home remedies that work

Most of us suffer from cough quite often in our lives, cough just being a reflex action to an irritant and its attempt to eliminate the irritants and foreign particles from the body. Cough is generally wet or dry, with dry cough causing great discomfort to children at night and during sleep and rest. It is worth knowing that dry cough is more common in children and could be caused with inhalation of chemicals and smoke by second hand smoking, exposure to atmospheric pollutants, dust and air borne infections and change of weather.

It is also possible that asbestosis, an respiratory tract infection, asthma, allergies, laryngitis, bronchitis, common cold, flu, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and sinus infections could also cause dry coughs in children. It is very necessary to deal with dry cough immediately with medication, for it is very essential that it does not turn into a persistent or chronic cough. It is found that dry cough home remedies for children work better and are more advisable than intake of antibiotics that decrease appetite considerably.

Great dry cough home remedies for children

Honey that has been used as the base of many home remedies since the olden days finds its place as one the most effective dry cough home remedies for children. You would definitely help your child with a dry cough by giving him/her a glass of warm water to which a few drops of honey is added. Most children love honey and would definitely appreciate drinking it as a sweet drink. However in case your child is not willing to drink it with water it can be easily given with warm milk with a pinch of turmeric powder.

Honey can alternatively act as an effective home remedy when it is consumed with warm orange juice, lemon juice and grape juice at bedtime. All these remedies help to suppress and relieve dry cough. It is worthwhile knowing that dry cough mainly arises out of dehydration of the throat, and this can be helped with drinking a lot of fluids and water. Sipping warm water regularly during the day helps to overcome dryness and relieve the pain of the cough. Cool drinks like hot lemon juice and lemonade help in killing germs for the dry cough, however it is best to avoid citrus juices or sodas that irritate the throat and start bouts of dry cough.

Raw ginger, another of the great dry cough home remedies for children and adults alike may be difficult to be used in children. However it can be offered mixed with honey that helps add flavor and add to the curative value also. Older children would love to drink ginger tea that not only soothes the dry cough, but also the throat and respiratory tract. Mixing a few drops of gingerroot juice with 1-teaspoon honey and consuming it a few times a day and at bedtime helps as an effective dry cough remedy.

Nothing can beat gargling as a dry cough home remedy for children, though younger children may find it difficult to do properly. Gargling with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt added to it helps, so does placing a pinch of salt directly in the mouth. In addition steam inhalation for about 10 minutes twice a day helps in hydrating and moisturizing the throat and relieving dry cough. It is also beneficial to cure dry cough with turning the hot water in your shower and sitting in the bathroom for some time with the door shut. This sitting in the bathroom with build-up of steam helps effectively to remedy a dry cough at home.

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