Hearing impairment, for a few is the inevitable unavoidable loss is caused genetic disorders and serious injuries. A hearing loss test taken in time will facilitate successful treatment and rehabilitation in time. Older people can adjust to some hearing loss but babies require hearing to learn language, communication and social skills. While many hospitals are screening newborns for hearing problems, steps can be taken to treat them and enable the child to develop language and social skills. The aim of screening a new born is to do a simple hearing loss test before the age of one month. The test failing, it should be done again before three months. Babies requiring help should get it before social abilities. To find out if a child wants special education, it should be tested for hearing again before the age of five years.

Frequency of hearing Loss Tests

Every ten years up to the age of fifty normal screening should be taken and there after it should be frequent. A hearing problem usually occasions a hearing test. The symptoms and the medical case history will be noted by the ear doctor. A physical examination follows whether the loss is symptomatic or physical, the doctor asks about your exposure to loud noise, medication and ringing in ears, muffled hearing and dizziness. This is just to pinpoint the exact cause after elimination of others.

Examination of the ears, with the otoscope, a lighted instrument is what is called the hearing loss test. It allows the doctor to see into the ears, and reveals problems in the ear canal, ear drum and middle ear. If necessary a hearing evaluation is also done. Hearing problem may be due to a simple build up of was or blockage or infection or injury resulting impermanent loss of neglected. Hearing loss some times indicates a more serious problem and should never be taken lightly. A doctor must be consulted for a test immediately.

[tags]Hearing Test, Otoscope, Ringing Noise[/tags]