Know About Cancer and its Causes

‘Cancer’ that is turning more to be a word of common usage in the world today has become a cause of great concern to people, with ,many wanting to know what it exactly is, how it is caused and how can steps be taken to avoid its spread that could prove life threatening.

Cancer or a malignant tumor begins in the cells at first, with it making it difficult to make tissues that make up most organs of the body. Understanding cells makes you know that cells normally grow and also divide into more cells as the body needs them. It is commonly observed that as cells grow they also turn old with age and ultimately die only to be replaced by new ones.

Cancer is what does not allow these processes to take place in a pre-defined way, and you would observe that new cells are formed even when they are not needed, with old cells not dying when they should, with these extra cells leading a mass of tissues that lead to the growth of tumors.

It is best for you to understand that all tumors are not cancerous; tumors could be benign or malignant. It is to be understood that tumors that are benign are neither life threatening or cancerous; these tumors are removed and also grow back again. It is also good to know that benign tumors do not cause damage to tissues and do not spread to other parts of the body.

In contrast it is malignant tumors that are more serious and indicate cancer and could be life threatening and sometimes incurable. It is malignant tumors that cause damage to tissues and spread to other parts of the body and also tend to grow back with once they are removed.

Understanding cancer better needs you to understand that cancer cells that spread to other parts of the body by metastasis or breaking away from the primary malignant tumor and enter the blood stream and lymphatic system promoting formation of new tumors. This is the story of how cancer spreads to other organs of the body. 
Talking of tongue cancer that is a very common type of oral cancer it is found that it is more common in people over the age of 40. It is worth noting that the tongue cancer that forms an important part of mouth or oropharyngeal cancer. It is worth noting that most oral cancers are caused by improper hygiene and poor fitting of dentures.

It is worth noting that our tongue consists of the oral tongue that we see and the base of the tongue, with tongue cancer developing in any part. It is again important to note that the most common type of tongue cancer is squamous cell carcinoma that starts off from the thin and flat skin cells that cover the lining of the mouth.

It is significant to note that the symptoms of tongue cancer show up with symptoms that could be skin lesions, lumps and ulcers on the tongue that could also be prominently observed as mouth sores and pain in the mouth.

It is still more important to know that you could find it difficult in swallowing and there could be numbness and difficulty in moving the tongue that could also cause change in speaking patterns and pain while speaking and swallowing foods. Bleeding from the tongue could also be a predominant symptom.

What causes tongue cancer

Studies over all the years have revealed that tongue cancer an important type of mouth cancer is more often found in men with poor oral and dental hygiene being contributors. It is also found that tongue cancer affects people most when they are above 40, have a history of mouth ulcers and irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth.

It has been found that the use of tobacco products prove carcinogens, with chewing, spitting and swallowing, and using of snuff that is placed between the gums and cheeks or behind the upper and lower lip, with inhaling snuff through the nose also being harmful and contributing to incidence of tongue cancer.

It is also known that the use of pipes, bidis, hookahs and kreteks are as cancer causing as smoking cigarettes. The same applies to consumption of alcohol that has almost equal risk as smoking. It has been found that though smokers and alcohol consumers stand a risk of tongue and mouth cancer, avoiding or stopping their consumption has surely helped to reduce the risk of tongue cancer an important part of mouth cancer.

It is again important to know that a genetic predisposition could make some more prone to different types of cancer and tongue cancer also cannot be overlooked. In addition men have more chances of getting cancers of the mouth than women because of their habit of smoking and drinking more than women do.

Radiation has proved to be a boon to the cure of cancer, but it is again good to note that radiation also increases the risk of oral cancers especially that of the tongue.

Last but important causes that can never be overlooked when it comes to what causes tongue cancer, you should definitely understand that poor nutrition and diet, with chewing of betel nuts by some after eating aggravates deficiencies.

It is still more important to note that a poor immune system or patients that are on auto-immune therapy for transplants and those subject to HPV infections could possibly be the highest risk for tongue cancer.