Why do you have a dry mouth

This brings to mind what some people always pulled others legs for; loud mouths get dry mouths. However it is not necessarily loud mouths, but dry mouth or xerostomia affects over 32% of the people when saliva that is important as a lubricant agent is not produced. This increases the chances of decay and infection in the teeth and gums and also affects the ability to taste things. Dry mouth could affect anyone at any stage of life, with emotions like happiness, stress and sorrow causing it, with it also being caused with certain medications like antacids, antihypertensives, antidepressants, diuretics, and decongestants, diseases like sjogrens syndrome, diabetes and Lambert-Eaton syndrome. The other causes could be smoking, drinking and dehydration. It is however important to note that a dry mouth for a long time could be problematic and cause problems in the mouth, throat and digestion.

You could surely use a natural treatment for dry mouth to prevent further complications and problems.

Pick a suitable natural treatment for dry mouth:

1.It has been rightly said that water is the savior of life, so a dry mouth of dehydrated body could benefit the most from drinking a lot of water in the pure
form. A dry mouth requires one to drink a lot of water maybe even 3 liters a day that would help you not only feel hydrated, but also able to appreciate the taste of food. Fruit juices, soups, stews are best taken to relish taste, but it is best to avoid caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, alcohol, and aerated and sugared drinks It would greatly help to use various reinforcements to get the food down our system, with this being facilitated with complementing each dish with items like butter, gravy, broth, yogurt. Consuming foods that are soft and in liquid form like noodle dishes, stew and soups would help.

2.You could be suffering a dry mouth, with dehydration being the cause that could have arisen due to blood loss, extensive exercise, diarrhea, vomiting, burns
and fever. This calls for a wonder natural remedy that is available in your kitchen. Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and 1 tablespoon sugar in a cup of water and add a dash of lemon, orange and lime juice. Then experience the magic of curing dry mouth with feeling energetic.

3.Dry mouth that is caused with absence of saliva that does the job of digesting food, controlling the growth of bacteria and fungi in mouth, helps you to chew
and swallow foods and acts as teeth enamel to prevent decay. Some may have the habit of sleeping with their mouths wide open and breathing through it instead of the nose, causing dry mouth. Avoiding sleeping with the mouth open by a conscious effort and breathing through the nose helps prevent a dry mouth in the morning.

4.Your salad basket at home or while dining out could give you a chance to not only nurse the dry mouth, but also a chance to get your breath fresh with ample
vitamins, calcium and iron. How about munching celery sticks, as this snack with lot of water helps to stimulate your saliva glands. Parsley are just not decoration pieces in the salad basket on social occasions, for they not only bring out a sweet breath, but also give you ample supplies of Vitamin C and A, iron and calcium. Sucking on sugar-free gums could give the same effect, with sugar-filled candies making teeth vulnerable to tooth decay.

Lastly turning on the tap or increasing saliva production would be best accomplished with munching aniseed and /fennel seeds that help nurse not only a dry mouth, but also improve pleasant breath, with these herbs being combined together with others like mint and rosemary to create mouth washes. You would sure have found a natural treatment for your dry mouth.