Anti aging products and services are the rage of all people today. They bring together all the treatments for aging into a single convenient venue.
Aging is treated as a disease nowadays. Most of the clinics treat in such a way that the process of aging is slowed down a few of the treatments are more established and settled than others. Many doctors run these anti aging clinics.
Fighting Aging with Nutrition
Taking the right food regardless of age is important for the over all health of the individual. Natural foods are considered to be clinics. These include unprocessed food like fruits vegetables and beans. Bread and pasta, unprocessed foods, are not recommended in large quantities.
The benefits of Exercise
Like good nutrition, exercise is sine quo non for general overall health in all age groups. The recommended exercises include both cardio exercise like walking and strength training exercise like weight lifting.
Mental exercises are also recommend for the patients by the aging clinics. These include crossword puzzles, numbers games like Sudoku, and lively conversations reading and classes keep one’s mind alert and in shape.
Supplement of many different types recommended by aging clinics range from the controversial human growth hormone(HGH) and DHEA to every day multi vitamins to every thing in between other specific supplements may target memory loss, deteriorating, energy levels.
People who require supplements should consult the doctor before starting as the so called natural products too have side effects of significance.