Understand Autism Spectrum Disorder in children

Autism or autism spectrum disorders as it is also referred to children that may show a number of symptoms ranging from lack of social skills, empathy, communication and language skills to inflexible behavior. Autism spectrum disorder that contains a number of behavioral and other disorders could be very mild or severe affecting all parts of a childs life. It is imperative to understand that any 2 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders like Aspergers syndrome, Rett syndrome, pervasive development disorders of a non specified nature or autism itself may show varied degree as well set of symptoms.

Understanding autism in its wider sense involves understanding that the deficits could be in 3 major areas, namely social skills, communication and behavioral skills and interests. Every child could face unique challenges, have unique symptoms and may exhibit unique abilities, and a parent that learns all about the autism spectrum disorder symptoms and autism language would be best prepared to communicate easily with doctors, therapists and teachers to get assistance.

Be autism smart with knowing all about autism spectrum disorder symptoms in children

1.You would be surprised to notice that your child with autism spectrum disorder may lack in social skills. They may not only suffer from inability in making friendships and fruitful relationships with their peers and siblings, but some may also have difficulties even with parental bonding. The use of inappropriate and unusual body language like looking somewhere else when addressing a person, lack of eye contact and using of inappropriate gestures and facial expressions mark some other symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder.

2.It is quite disappointing to observe that autistic spectrum disorder children may also lack interest in sharing their interests and achievements and knowing about others. They may also prefer to be aloof and detached generally and may find it very difficult to express as well as appreciate other peoples feelings and empathize with them. Inability to understand verbal and non-verbal cues, these children may not understand the power of the human touch and may resist it. It is a pity that many such children get depressed with their inability to make friends with their peers and enjoy activities like imaginative play that most other children indulge in.

3.Impaired communication skills with late development in speaking skills mark one of the significant autistic spectrum disorder symptoms, with repetitions, difficulty in understanding simple commands, directions and questions being some other important features. Inability to enjoy fun and play imaginative age appropriate games marks an important feature in these children. So it is significant to note that adults as well as teenagers may also engage in childish play.

4.Children with autistic spectrum disorder lack ability to understand that communication is 2-way traffic, with them being unable to initiate conversation and speaking in a monotonous flat voice with lack of any emotions. Repetition being the feature of most such affected children; it is significant to note that they are experts at memorizing things without really understanding the meaning.

5.The abnormal repetitive nature brings us to another significant autistic spectrum disorder symptom of their being very rigid in their habits. This initiates them to throw temper tantrums and turn violent when there is a break in routine that could be a great sense of stress to people dealing and looking after them.

6.Autistic spectrum disorder symptoms in children may show up as their being very much more or being very less sensitive to certain sensory inputs like loud noises, crowds, things that can be felt, and tasted. It is significant to observe some of these children bang their head, touch people or objects to feel them and to scream rather than speaking to people in a normal modulated tone. It is true that having to wear clothes, eat birthday cakes, walk barefoot on the grass and wearing socks and shoes could be painful for these affected children.