Lets first know about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

You may have been amused with the way certain people persistently do certain rituals as counting objects, checking and cleaning objects, and washing hands and legs or persistently wanting to take a bath, but it is sad when one comes to realize that these obsessions or compulsive doing of things is caused with constant agitated, disturbing and useless thoughts. Known as obsessive compulsive disorder, this disorder is caused with anxiety with the afflicted persons brain getting involved in obsessions and thoughts that are apprehensive, with such behavior making them get relief for some time.

It is best understood as not being a pleasurable activity, but a phobia that is prevailing in the unconscious mind with the person trying to compensate for it with actions that are repetitive.

It is significant to note that this neurobiological and psychological disorder could start off with insufficiency of serotonin in the brain or due to suppression of traumas in childhood. Among some more of the significant causes it is common to trace this OCD to the genes, low estrogen levels.

Deficiency of calcium and magnesium, stress, lack of self esteem, denial and infections caused by streptococcus could also be contributory causes. Most afflictions of childhood OCD runs in families, with the general nature being inherited and not the specific symptoms of OCD.

Know the homeopathy approach and use it to cure OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder

Experience with homeopathy constitutional therapy shows its effectiveness in promoting mental, physical and emotional well-being, with this method believing on curing the disorder with medicines that produce the same symptoms. It is interesting to note that homeopathy medicines used produced the same symptoms as the disorder and is given in a diluted form.

Understanding OCD is with symptoms like panic attacks, phobias and anxiety, these medicines help to build positive moods to get over obsessive compulsive disorders. This system of holistic medicine with non-toxic, gentle and curative properties aims at not only helping the afflicted to come back to reality, but also helps them to feel more confident of themselves. Helping bring about healing and equilibrium, its influence on the chemistry of the brain helps because of its approach of treating the mind and body simultaneously as they influence each other.

One significant feature with homeopaths is their deep analysis of the disorder before prescribing any medication, so you would find that the medication prescribed for you may not be the same as prescribed for your friend. The medications prescribed purely depend on the symptoms experienced by the patient, with OCD symptoms varying from one to another. Consulting a homeopathy doctor starts off the road to successful treatment. Homeopathy remedies available in form of powders, pellets, tablets, liquids, or as a kit would be available in chemists, food stores or even prepared and given by homeopaths.

Arsenic album has provided effective cure for those suffering from OCD symptoms like fear, restlessness and anxiety, and has been widely used for compulsive and obsessive nature of tidying, and keeping things in order. If irritability or feeling of hopelessness is the symptom, Syphillinum could be used with other medications in combination to promote better mental and physical health. One of the most useful homeopathy remedy Bach Flower has proved as a very specific home remedy and it has helped in many cases used individually and with other homeopathy remedies where repetitive thoughts of an impending boom causes compulsive behavior.

Pulsatilla, Carcinocin, and Nux Vomica are some of the other successfully used homeopathy remedies that have been used to treat the root cause of the OCD in each individual case. Homeopathy medicines could be derived from plants or animal matter and are not necessarily herbal, but it is best to understand that it should not be used without the supervision/consultation of a qualified homeopath, for he/she is the best judge regarding the dosage and type of medicine that would suit each individual case of OCD.

Being highly personalized, depending on each ones peculiar conditions homeopathic remedies have worked wonders if taken right in the correct dilution. It is also true that, Slow and steady wins the race principle applies to homeopathy remedies, with patience and perseverance paying rich dividends in the form of effective cures.It is true homeopathy treatment for OCD is effective with right qualified and experienced care.