The more we grow old the more we have to mind our health because all our bad habits, poor diet, and vitamin deficiency etc. will have a cumulative and disastrous effect on us. Yellowing or stained teeth from prolonged drinking coffee or smoking, painful, swollen gums and loose teeth roots are examples of poor diet and vitamin deficiency.

Senior dental care can be either easy or difficult according to the person concerned. If extra care is applied regularly, even seniors can have a sparkling smile, eat their favorite dishes obvious of their age. Some of the general problems faced by the seniors are darkened teeth, dry mouth, and root decay due to poor oral hygiene, gum disease, tooth loss and thrush caused by drugs taken for some existing disease. There should be treatment for each of these case to case according to age and the present state of health. The dental problems of health usually occur due to some other disease.


In general senior dental care comprises replacing your own teeth with a denture. This is not only a long procedure but painful and expensive. This may be even year long as the gums keep shrinking and the dentures require constant adjustment to fix properly. Dental care insurance, here, is an absolute necessity as senior dental care is not only expensive but difficult to get. You can avail some discounts and partial coverage based on the work done. Oral hygiene is very significant, as its practice in youth will have a telling effect during old age. Health therefore should never be neglected as it may cause fatal diseases.

So brushing your teeth twice daily, rinsing your mouth after each meal and flossing once a day at least are absolutely essential. Though healthy, visit the dentist for regular check up. The dentist, at times can spot the ailment before it occurs. Clean your dentures by removing there regularly and daily.