Hernia Pain. Hernia or rupture may be hard to see in fat people and unknown to many others. Hernias present for a long time usually produce dull aching, but when they are just beginning, getting larger, or they cannot be reduced, soreness is often very great. It is usually the contents of the hernia like the intestines which produces pain, as the ordinary hernia, once formed, is practically painless.

General (entire) Abdominal Pain. Pain all over the abdomen

Complete abdomen

Fig. 100. The entire abdomen may be involved in spreading diseases like peritonitis, internal bleeding or gaseous distention.

may reflect infection or disease all over the abdomen, such as peritonitis or obstruction of the intestine.

Pain of Peritonitis. Peritonitis, as we have seen, is an inflammation of the abdominal or peritoneal cavity. When the whole cavity is inflammed, pain is felt everywhere; when the peritonitis is localized (confined to one area), the pain also is localized to that area.

Obstruction of the Intestinal Tract. Similar to the kink of a garden hose, an obstruction blocks the passage of the intestine. Pain is felt first as a cramp when the obstructing kink occurs,

Fig. 101. Obstruction of the intestinal tract is often a result of hernia. If the obstruction is severe, gangrene may follow, necessitating surgery as a lifesaving measure.

but soon the whole intestine may “balloon-up” and pain is felt everywhere. It later may develop into peritonitis.

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