Heart disease is medically known as CAD or Coronary artery disease. Due to various reasons the arteries will get either hardened or get narrowed in its inner width there by restricting flow of blood within it. Presence of LDL or the bad cholesterol will result in fatty plaque deposit over the inner walls of arteries and thus increase the risk of fatal heart attacks.
Learning to Manage Heart Disease
Atherosclerosis is always attributed with the risk of heart attack and one study has revealed that an increase in HDL cholesterol can help to fight atherosclerosis and even one can reverse the detrimental effects. HDL or the good cholesterol will help in cleaning the inner walls of arteries from the harmful plaque deposits and reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack.
The general recommendation is that every person after reaching an age of 30 years should get the blood cholesterol level tested once in every three to five years. The results thus obtained can be utilised to know the onset of atherosclerosis and any remedial treatments can be immediately taken to prevent heart disease.
Persons suffering from heart disease can effectively slow down the degradation or even reverse the effects by following a strict diet regimen that includes fiber, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, good amount of vitamins, and mineral supplements. As per one medical bulletin, a healthy person needs at least 25 grams of fiber in a day and intake of trans fats, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils should be avoided totally for a healthy heart.
In order to avoid the heart disease taking you by surprise, you should keep a close watch on your blood cholesterol level at regular intervals.
As there are LDL and HDL cholesterol, a healthy ratio would be that the total of both cholesterol levels should not exceed 200 mg/dl. Your prime aim should on the lines of reducing the LDL or the bad cholesterol and at the same time increase the HDL cholesterol or the good cholesterol level.
It is possible for you to reverse your heart disease provided you increase your HDL cholesterol levels in your blood through some proper means such as avoiding saturated fats, trans fats, and abstinence from alcohol and smoking. A good exercise schedule coupled with a balanced diet can go a long way in improving your overall health and your heart s health in particular.
Make exercise as your daily routine and even in case of your contracting heart disease, you can reverse the effects and live a life free of any complications.
[tags]HDL, LDL, Coronary Heart Disease[/tags]