Examination of the Internal Chest

The internal chest must be examined without the aid of sight or touch. Therefore, the heart, lungs and esophagus are examined by determining how well they are functioning. From their working, we know their condition.

Fig. 41. The open chest reveals the close heart and lung relationship. With no waste space, the chest holds and protects the vital organs necessary for life. Many chest diseases are now accessible to surgery and other therapy.

Examination of the Esophagus

The function of the esophagus (swallowing tube) is to carry swallowed nourishment from the throat into the stomach, and nearly all esophagus difficulties interfere with the swallowing act.

1. Swallow an ordinary glass of water. Normally done easily, pain or vomiting may be due to a far-advanced obstruction. It is possibly a stricture, diverticulum or cancer.

2. Swallow some soft food, as cereal or mashed potato. These are normally carried down the esophagus without sen
sation. The appearance of pain may also indicate an obstruction which is not complete.

3. Swallow a piece of solid food, such as meat or soft rolled bread. Normally, solid food can be felt passing down the esophagus painlessly. Pain with this act may indicate cancer or esophagitis (heartburn).