Examination of the Female Chest

1. Stand before the mirror in the usual erect position, with all clothing removed above the waist. Note any difference of the breast in size, shape or position and closely inspect the nipple for possible inversion.

2. Raise both arms straight overhead and lean slightly forward. Note in the mirror any denting or bulging irregularity of the skin surface. Look especially for skin areas of “Peau-D-Orange,” a finely dimpled orange-like skin.

3. In lying-down position, elevate the left shoulder blade on a pillow and rest the left arm under the head. With the right hand, feel along radial (wagonwheel spoke) lines, the inner half and then the outer half of the breast. Note any solitary enlargements, lumps or masses.

4. Now place the left arm at the side and again feel along radial lines, the outer and then the inner half of the breast. The normal, rubbery soft breast tissue may have an all-over granular feeling, but nodules, lumps or soreness are definitely abnormal findings.