Acknowledge the fact that you have to live and manage asthma

Asthma that is caused by allergies and other causes and requires a long term treatment and care. It also requires the building and management of an asthma care and prevention plan that requires you to set up a partnership with your specialist for an effective action plan. A definite asthma management plan that covers methods for prevention of asthma not only identifies triggers, but also effective management when the asthmatic symptoms worsen.

An action plan involves not just making one but involving even younger asthmatic children in their effective management, with making provisions for regular check-ups and knowing when medical care and advice is absolutely necessary. Learning the correct and effective use of medications with recording of asthmatic attacks to ensure how effectively they have been managed with the lungs working well is important. These steps will help you keep track of things that would enable your specialist to render quality medical care.

Learn the prevention for asthma for quality health and life

Prevention of asthma and building up a quality health and life requires eliminating or minimizing the use of things that cause allergies or worsen the asthmatic symptoms. This cannot be just told at a glance, but require a close study of all the everyday things that set off or worsen the symptoms of breathlessness and wheezing, typical of asthma attacks. Once the triggers/and causes are found out steps should be taken to control and eliminate them.

It is quite evident that some may get attacks of asthma due to smoke and pollution, while others may get it during climatic changes when the level of pollen in the environment is more. Some may also be allergic to gases polluted with burning fireworks. Then the prevention of asthma lies in limiting the time spent outdoors and also aiming at getting effective maintenance of heating and cooling systems. If animal dander and fur triggers an attack it is best to avoid keeping pets or at least avoiding their coming into the house especially the bedroom.

Prevention of asthma in special groups of people:
Prevention of asthma and its treatment in children younger than 5 years could be tricky and the doctor is the best judge whether they should be given long term medications or treated with quick relief medications. This would mainly depend on their assessment if asthmatic symptoms would prevail above the age of 6 years. Inhaled corticosteroids can slow the growth of children, so can poorly controlled asthma. So inhaled corticosteroids or Montelukast are generally given as on a trial basis for about 6 weeks and stopped if no benefits are seen.

Older Adults present another group of people that could experience difficulties in prevention of asthma due to the various medicines like beta blockers, aspirin and other pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory medicines they take. Taken together the asthma medications could worsen asthma symptoms and also lead to weak bones when inhaled corticosteroids are taken in high doses. This would require taking calcium and Vitamin D supplements.

Pregnant Women pose special problems for prevention of asthma because insufficient oxygen supply leads to underweight and premature babies. It is advisable and safe to continue asthma prevention medications, but the doctor would be the best judge to adjust and administer your asthma control plan.

With knowledge about prevention of asthma, you would be able to effect better management of your condition.