Advancing years exact a heavy toll of the teeth in infection, decay and actual loss. In early years of life, heredity and nutrition are most important to the teeth. In later years, especially after fifty, tooth life is in direct proportion to care received.

Decay. Tooth decay slows down considerably in adult years as compared with the formative years of childhood. It can, however, start at any age and often continues until the tooth is lost. Prevention of tooth decay means proper and regular cleaning of the teeth, along with routine dental inspection and hygiene.

Abscess (Infected) Teeth. An abscessed tooth, with an accumulation of pus in and about a root, often develops from cracked or decayed teeth. Sometimes the abscess is very small, but frequently reaches the size of a walnut with terrific pain, high fever and a greatly swollen jaw and neck.
Because of its many consequences, besides the pain involved, abscessed teeth must be treated as early as possible. The very val-

Fig. 25. Abscessed teeth are frequently the cause of other ailments in the body such as arthritis, skin difficulties, etc. They are almost impossible to cure and should be removed.

uable x-ray can easily locate the abscess and even picks out small abscesses before they cause discomfort. Dental treatment may require removal of the abscessed tooth, although at times treatment which allows the tooth to remain is successful in curing the abscess.

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