Emphysema is a thinning out of the lung tissue itself and is seen only rarely below the age of fifty. When not enough lung tissue remains to carry on easy, effective breathing, more rapid breathing is required for complete full respiration. It is similar to breathing on mountain tops where breathing is difficult because the air is rarified. The accompanying chronic cough in emphysema is a dry hack, usually not productive of any sputum. Cure of emphysema is not possible, but the physician usually can treat this disease with measures which make breathing much easier.

Lung Abscess is a boil-like pocket of pus in the lungs. It is nearly always accompanied by pleurisy pain, fever and chills,

Fig. 50. Lung abscess is very serious. It can follow lung disease as pneumonia or tuberculosis, or may result from inhaled objects like peanuts or other small objects.

heavy night sweats, loss of weight and the general appearance of very severe disease. A productive cough usually brings up great quantities of pus and often bloody sputum. Any of these symptoms should be enough to send a person running to his physician. Lung abscess is a serious infectious disease, possibly following pneumonia or other lung infections, and it requires exceptional medical care for effective treatment.

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