About asthma

It is very astonishing to note that more than 23 million Americans have asthma, a chronic disease of the lungs that is caused by inflammation and constriction in the airways. Asthma that is a very difficult disease could make a person breathless, cause wheezing, tightness in the chest and also cause mild to chronic coughing. Asthma has lead to poor quality of life in children and adults if left not properly managed, as the inadequate supply of oxygen from the nose and mouth could lead to improper functioning of the cells in the body.

Why do people get asthma?

The main reason for getting asthmatic attacks is the narrowing of the bronchi tubes. There is a definite cause or trigger, but such triggers need not make you asthmatic for life. Some asthmatic attacks start off with cold air, while others from vigorous exercises and still others from stress. It is not rare to find that polluted air, smoke, dust, pollen, animal dander, certain foods and even perfumes could start off asthma attacks.

It is also observed that some attacks trigger off during certain times of the year, while others may occur at any time. Every asthma attack would last for a few hours, with some also coming on a daily basis. It is also worthwhile noting that any 2 asthmatics may not suffer from the same triggers and causes. Being cautious and asthma wise would need you to avoid these triggers and causes completely, with causes holding more importance over triggers.

It is best to know that most people that suffer asthma in youth have allergic asthma that could mean that your parents, grandparents or somebody in the extended family or blood relations had asthma. It is true as most doctors contend that the reason why some people are more susceptible to asthma attacks is because asthma is also a hereditary disease and runs in some families more than others are.

Certain allergic things in the environment could also cause asthma, and it could be anything like house mites, cats and dogs or their dander or moulds. Environmental irritants like cigarette smoke, strong air sprays, disinfectants, dust mites, pollen, colognes and animal hair, and even certain foods. They could cause allergies and inflammation and irritation in the bronchia in some, making the airways swollen and sensitive and cause asthmatic symptoms.

Some other possibilities could be colds, exercise, laughter and tobacco smoke that could aggravate asthma situations. However they are more of causes and need not always cause an asthma attack. Some recent studies show that the obese account for every 3 out of 4 asthma cases of asthma, with the reason being that the obese have under expanded lungs. In addition a common observation is that the obese have low-grade systematic inflammation of the airways and also narrower airways.

With modern medicine and prompt corrective action most attacks of asthma have been considerably overcome. Most asthmatics have been asked to consider other options like yoga and low grade exercises with the advice of a medical practitioner and under a certified yoga or fitness trainer. Last, but most important the role that is played by stress and anxiety in the occurrence of asthma attacks. Stress leads to a person either hyperventilating or over breathing, that in turn could decrease the oxygen in blood, constrict the air passages and lead to panic attacks and asthmatic attacks.

All this goes to tell us why do people get asthma.