Seriousness of Anxiety Panic attacks:

Though medically not serious, anxiety panic attacks come like a bolt from the blue and appear to stifle and squeeze you to death. The serious mental or emotional issues manifest themselves in the form of panic attack. From my experience in my younger days I can say that they are very scary. I could track their arrival but didnt know what exactly they ere. The doctor explained to me what they were when I met him.

The symptoms of anxiety panic attacks vary from individual to individual. Though the basics are the same each person reports some thing different happening to him. I felt palpitation of the heart and asphyxia and dizziness. Though I had these for a few times I could never forget them they are terrifying, since you feel you are out of control of your body and oblivious of what is happening.

My husband told me that he had anxiety panic attacks in his ten age due to family stress. This continued for six months and suddenly disappeared. He understood what I was going through and calmed me down after my first attack. He wanted me to see a doctor to know what triggered the attack. But I walked away as I know it already I had one more attack after I saw the doctor and it disappeared soon.

People with anxiety panic attacks have bigger problems than mine. They may require medication or therapy to go to the root of the problem and help with attacks. I felt lucky even when overwhelmed with life when they were happening. I could cope with them. On my own and felt grateful. Not many can do this as the body and mind are mysterious. At times when the mind is overwhelmed the body lets you know. Anxiety and panic attacks are signals from your stressed and over wrought brain. You have to effect a few changes to your routine in life to cope with the anxiety panic attacks.