Month October 2012

Avoiding Urinary Tract Infections The Natural Way

Most of us must have at sometime or the other faced the depressing and embarrassing problem of having to visit the restroom very often, though the amount of urine passed out may be negligible with urination being not just painful… Continue Reading →

Tonsillitis Symptoms in Babies

Occurrence of Tonsillitis in Babies Tonsillitis occurs more often in babies and only at rare cases in adults. Tonsillitis in babies should be noted in earlier stages itself and proper treatments should be taken. It is difficult for the Doctor… Continue Reading →

Are antibiotics good for acne?

Yes, antibiotics help first to decrease the bacteria in and around the follicle. They reduce the chemicals that irritate sue to the production of white blood cells. They also reduce the concentration of free fatty acids in the sebum and… Continue Reading →

Will hydrogen peroxide help acne?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide does wonders in curing acne and keeping it at bay in chronic cases. Hydrogen peroxide is an aerobic that produces oxygen in a water solution containing 3% of hydrogen peroxide in about 97% of water. The water… Continue Reading →

Tell Me The Best Home Remedy For Insomnia

Understanding insomnia Insomnia, the sleeping disorder that is least understood has turned into a malice of the so called rich that deprives the person not only of quality mental rest, but also interferes with the day to day activities and… Continue Reading →

Will exercise get rid of acne?

The answer is Yes and also No. There are 2 versions with some believing that sweat as a result of exercise helped to remove the skin debris and prevent acne, while still others believe that sweat clogs the pores and… Continue Reading →

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