Month January 2010

What Does A Male Prostate Gland Do?

Though we dont have to know the complete anatomy of our body but being aware of the basics can help up keep ourselves fit. Knowing a little in detail is never going to be harmful instead it will prove advantageous… Continue Reading →

Why is Atherosclerosis the Main Cause of Coronary Heart Disease?

Why is Atherosclerosis the Main Cause of Coronary Heart Disease? The main cause of coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis. The outcome of atherosclerosis is the development of fatty and fibrous plaques and deposits of calcium that narrow the arteries that… Continue Reading →

Why is Acute Rheumatic Heart Disease a Rare Occurrence?

Rheumatic fever that is a result of a strep throat infection is the reason behind acute rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic fever normally attacks children between the age of five and fifteen. This is the reason behind inflammation of connective tissues… Continue Reading →

About Malignant Melanoma, its Causes and Symptoms

Though not as common as basal and squamous carcinomas, malignant melanoma is much more serious. Here the tumor develops from the deeper layers of the skin that have pigment producing cells called melanocytes. They gather together and form moles on… Continue Reading →

Understanding Cholesterol Metabolism To Avoid Plaque Buildup In Coronary Arteries

Cholesterol is often associated with clogging and blocking of arteries, and therefore gets a bad reputation. However, its role is significant in maintaining good health. It helps in the production of bile acids, which aid in digesting our fat intake…. Continue Reading →

A Prostate Exam Video Guides The Patients

If you are looking to consult a doctor regarding prostate exam and are a bit anxious to know what happens during the examination then we advice you to take a look at a prostate exam video. A prostate exam video… Continue Reading →

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