The Ovary The two ovaries are the fundamental heart of the female sexual system, and are located in the lower abdomen, one on each side of the uterus. They are the source of the menstrual cycle before the menopause and… Continue Reading →
Pain. This is a large word and covers a lot of ground, but when it comes from the colon it has several identifying marks. An aching pain in the rectum, with a feeling of fullness and a sensation of continuing… Continue Reading →
Cancer of the colon and rectum is a severe disease of the older age group, but its outlook is nearly four times better than cancer of the stomach and chances of its cure are better than 50 percent. An important… Continue Reading →
Physics, Laxatives, and Enema. The sale of bowel stimulants and constipation cures is soaring because constipation is invited in later life by our trend toward sedentary rather than active leisure hours. Television is an outstanding contributor to this annoying situation…. Continue Reading →
Constipation. A most frequent complaint of people in their later years is constipation, as a prolonged time between bowel movements, or as great difficulty in bowel evacuation when it does occur. Wide confusion exists concerning what is normal for bowel… Continue Reading →