Acid reflux could get worse after eating a heavy meal, with the effect being more pronounced when dinner is taken immediately before bedtime. It is common to find some experience symptoms of acid reflux during the night-time, with many experiencing these symptoms when lying down for long on the back. Elevating the head of the bed helps to overcome acid reflux symptoms.

Spicy, fatty, or fried foods, citrus fruits, chocolates, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, garlic, onions, peppermint and tomatoes could make acid reflux symptoms worse for these foods fill up the stomach and stimulate acid production to aid digestion and can make acid reflux worse in sufferers. Again smoking does not cause acid reflux, but could aggravate the symptoms.

Certain medications that retard emptying of acid and build up acid could also aggravate acid reflux symptoms. Most pregnant women may experience acid reflux symptoms due to increased hormones and pressure from a growing fetus, and may get over symptoms after child birth. Wearing tight-fitting clothing and doing certain activities like bending could also aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

It is best for sufferers to review and evaluate their symptoms and consult the doctor.