Know Social phobia

Most of us may feel stage fear or fear of performing in public that presents itself as various physical, mental and emotional symptoms like feeling weak in the legs, feeling nervous, experiencing weakness in the legs, perspiring with fumbling of words, starting a sentence, but being unable to complete it and many other symptoms.

This fear could come out of our feeling that we are diffident or lack confidence. But this feeling calls for greater attention when we find that our friend or near and dear one suffers from similar symptoms followed by sweaty palms, anxiety and butterflies in your stomach as a result of casual interactions in society.

Calling for attention it is quite common to find that social phobic’s or those that fear social surroundings have a constant fear that they are much inferior than others and are in the wrong in whatever they do or think.

These people could have a constant fear of being judged by others, so they may feel uncomfortable and want to live away from a lot of people. Their constant fear of doing something embarrassing, humiliating and objectionable will make them live in constant fear with these apprehensions.

It is to be known that anxiety and fear in social surrounding runs in families, so it is not rare to find people suffering from social phobia as a result of their genes. It is also found that social phobic and their families may have a history of fearing anger, rejection and may constantly be in the mode to adopt self-defense mechanisms that could make them at times an object of ridicule also by others.

In addition those afflicted with social phobia may be shy and inhibited right from birth, with certain traumatic incidents aggravating the problem.

It is quite common to find children that have had a traumatic childhood with parents that were over critical and did not care for their self-esteem and confidence to experience these symptoms.

It is right to say that many social phobic develop this phobia as a learnt family trait or behavior, with their upbringing making them overwhelmed even when they want to behave properly in social situations. It is anxiety promoted by the feeling that they are inferior that makes them behave unrealistically or abnormally in social situations.    

You would find that these people are very unfortunate as they would not be able to enjoy pleasure and happiness before any social situation and it is common to see them immersed in sadness, gloom and nervousness. These phobic detest public situations and it is quite common to see them having difficulty and experiencing anxiety when doing things in public.

This is also followed by confusion and disorientation, trembling, nausea, excessive sweating, blushing, muscle tension, palpitation, diarrhea and muscle tension. 

Social phobia natural treatment

The natural treatment of social anxiety lies in different forms of psychotherapy long with prescribed medicines. Alternative therapies like herbal, homeopathy, relaxation and meditation techniques, along with a balanced diet and exercise can help.

Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT and Cognitive behavioral group therapy are very promising therapies that aim at uncovering and then changing the unconscious perceptions that the affected has of danger associated with social situations.

They both aim at slowly exposing the affected to fearful situations both individually and by role plays until he or she does not fear the social situations at all. In addition using of progressive relaxation and coping techniques help to further effect natural treatment.

In these relaxation techniques a psychologist helps the social phobic to understand how to control and understand the symptoms. Then he/she takes the aid of therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy to help the phobic gain full control of the situation with being less anxious.

Anti- anxiety drugs like alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam and diazepam and anti-depressant drugs like fluoxetine, paroxetine,  imipramine, and escitalopram have helped along with beta-blockers like propranolo have helped along with psychotherapy. But many of them are addictive and have unfavorable side-effects.

So it is best to avail of  natural remedies that involve the use of natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Many of them  have proved effective, but it is best that you  concentrate on those remedies that have been backed by good clinical research. Then you would be sure of the best results.

The extract of valerian taken in doses of 50 to 500 mgs according to severity helps relieve anxiety and make you calm. Quick-acting and working in just 30 minutes this herb is not addictive. Using high quality standardized Valerian extract containing at least 0.8% of active valerenic acid helps. Researchers are of the opinion that an anxiety cure with about 100 milligrams or more of Passion Flower extract containing about 3-4% vitexin of a compound vitexin helps to promote relaxation and calmness.

Again L-theanine, an amino acid extracted from Green Tea when taken in doses of 100 to 300mg helps as an effective anxiety cure herb.

This is to effective social phobia natural treatment methods.