What is Wheezing?

Wheezing is a symptom mostly associated with asthma where a whistling sound is produced continuously in the respiratory tract while breathing. The sound is in high pitch while inhaling. It results in disturbed sleep due to labor breathing and whistling sound.

What causes Wheezing in Asthma?

Wheezing is caused due to shortness of breath or some allergic reaction. When the bronchiolar smooth muscle is constricted in asthma patient, the airflow is narrowed in the respiratory tract. The whistling sound or wheezing is caused when this airflow is obstructed by the excess mucous. Due to this wheezing problem, asthma is also called as Reactive Airway Disease (RAD).

What causes Wheezing in Kids and Infants?

About a million of kids and infants in the world are affected by wheezing due to asthma. Wheezing in kids mostly starts at the age of 6 but very rarely from the age of 3. Kids and infants are mostly affected due to the family history where their parents are affected by allergies and asthma. For infants, it is difficult to diagnose if wheezing has occurred due to asthma as the infants do not cooperate for the lung function tests. If a baby has got infection in the respiratory track, the babys small airways is swollen and blocked with excess mucous easily than adults there by leading to wheezing. As the infants airways are very small, it is difficult for the Doctor to diagnose that this wheezing is caused by asthma as the diagnosis is based on location of wheeze.

Natural Treatment for Wheezing in Asthma

When patient with allergic asthma has wheezing, care should be taken to avoid exposure to allergy or infection. Consume some ginger and one whole garlic everyday. Consuming tea made by boiling tea leaves along with feverfew also reduces wheezing. Disinfecting the patients lungs is possible by performing a steam inhalation with tea tree oil. Respiratory inhalers, vaporizer, hot shower, warm moist air etc. reduces wheezing.

Medicines to Control Wheezing in Asthma

Wheezing in Asthma can also be controlled by consuming medicines prescribed by the medical practitioner. The medical practitioner will test the patient, diagnose the cause of wheezing and then prescribe the medicines. Here are the commonly prescribed medications for Asthma, but they have to be consumed as per medical practitioners advice:

1.Inhaler and Primatene mist gives fast and reliable relief from Wheezing.

2.Over-the-counter drugs, inhalers and tablets relax the airway muscles and thus give relief from wheezing.

3.Epinephrine aerosol inhaler gives temporary (few hours) but fast relief.

4.Ephedrine tablets give long lasting relief for wheezing but the tablet takes half-an-hour to react after consumption.