Nowadays more and more people have started growing the herbs in their own gardens instead of buying them at exorbitant price. Though it is easy to grow them at home, it is difficult to understand when to dry them and cut them to get the best flavor. The following tips shall indicate the exact timing to cut and dry them to extract the best flavor leading to the best delicious recipes possible.

Cut and Dry them when Young

More flavor and stronger aroma is contained in the younger and fresh leaves rather than the older ones. The tenderness of the leaves perfectly suits the cut and dry process. By harvesting younger leaves you get the satisfaction of not waiting for them to mature and become old after a long time. A few herbs that grow quickly and popularly used in various recipes are basil, rosemary, bay leaves, mint, oregano and parsley. Cilantro takes a little more time to grow but offers a very pleasant and strong scent for people who like the aroma very much.

Long Stem Herbs

Harvest the long stemmed herbs by snapping and tying the stems in a bunch and hanging them upside down in a warm, dry but not a sunny area. Let them dry for 6 to 10 days. So use a paper bag around them to protect against sun light which may destroy the aroma and spoil the flavor. Make holes in the paper bag for free ventilation but don t allow the stems to touch the inner sides of the paper bag which may affect the drying of the stems.

Cut and Dry short Stem Herbs

Dry short stem herbs, on a cookie sheet, or flat trays, spread the herbs in a single layer in stead of piling them one upon the other to speed up drying. Place the herbs in a dry and warm area away from direct sunlight. Herbs will dry up between four to six days if left out. Herbs can also be dried in an oven at a temperature of 1400 for one to four hours depending on the herb and quantity. You must turn the herbs often for even drying and proper exposure to heat. Herbs can also be dried in microwave for about one to two minutes only. Test them after cooling and if they crumble it is over.