Rectocele (Herniated Rectum). A rectum that bulges forward and out through a weakened wall of the vagina also presents the sensation of “something falling” out of the vagina. It is nearly

pletely to straining pressure from the rectum, and bulges forward out through the vaginal entrance.

The rectum, no longer contained within its ordinary surroundings, empties only with difficulty, and the increased straining activity of the daily movement continues to worsen and enlarge the rectocele. Such a condition is not, considered serious or life threatening, but it does have great nuisance value and is most uncomfortable. Surgical repair of the vaginal wall, with replacement of the rectum to its normal position will effect complete relief from rectocele.

Cancer of the Uterus. The uterus is one of the most common sites for the development of cancer. The open end of this organ, called the cervix, is visible at the top of the vagina, and is by far the most frequently involved cancer site in the uterus. The

Fig. 119. The uterus is one of the most common sites of human cancer. Least common in the Jewish race, over 90 per cent of its incidence occurs in women who have borne children. It is best detected early, through routine periodic examination.

cause of cancer, though unknown, appears related to irritation, and thus ninety percent of these cancers occur in women whose uteri have borne children and suffered the trauma of childbirth. Cancer of the uterus is usually painless. Its most common warning signal is vaginal bleeding between the menstrual periods, or after the menopause, when bleeding is always abnormal. All races seem to be afflicted with this form of cancer, with the exception of the Jewish race, which for some unknown reason seems to escape affliction with this disease.

Happily, the uterus is in a semi-exposed position, where it can be seen, diagnosed and treated early by complete surgical removal, or adequate x-ray therapy. Diagnostic smear tests for cancer are now available everywhere, allowing women interested in their health, to keep ahead of cancer in this region, or to discover it in its infancy when its treatment is relatively easy.