Of late, you would have started hearing about low carb diets and you might have seen that almost all your neighbors are referring to low carb diets for one reason or other. But, majority of the time, those people who talk about low carb diets may not be able to throw more light on such low carb diets for the simple reason of their ignorance.

There are also many false beliefs with regard to low carb diets, but the fact is that low carb diets are the excellent option for your weight reduction and as well as for your diabetes management. When it comes to low carb diets, there is more hype but the pity is that real and the beneficial information are not forthcoming as desired. Of course, there are some disadvantageous things with a low carb diet, but when you consider the host of beneficial aspects, it will outweigh the disadvantages squarely.

The Bare Truth

First you must understand that whenever you read about a low carb diet, it doesnt mean that the diet is devoid carb totally; it is in fact a low-carb and not no-carb, because even a one word change can alter the whole context. The low carb diets are normally considered to be similar to a diabetic diet rather than an Atkins diet, because of the presence of very low-carb foodstuffs.

Contrary to the truth, many no carb diets consider the carbohydrate to be the mans worst enemy, but in real scenario carbohydrates are the best and natural fuel source for our body. Once the carbohydrates are ingested into your system, they are converted to glucose or sugar by insulin reaction and only the excess sugar is converted as fat and deposited all over your body. As this type of information is not given anywhere on the diet prescribed, it can be useful to you if you can know them beforehand.

In any low carb diets the stress will be on reduced carbs and where as in a no carb diet protein supplements will replace the entire carbs. Though you need protein for your muscle build up and strength, protein alone cannot fulfil your total energy needs. Further, the process by which the protein can get converted into body usable energy is a lengthy one and it doesnt suit to your immediate needs.

There is also a likelihood of toxin formation during such protein to energy conversion process and hence a no carb diet is not at all favourable for you. What you have read in the above few lines are never disclosed over any of the no carb diet formulations and you can get to know them only when you discuss the matter with your doctor.

If you want to know more about the beneficial aspects of a low carb diet then you should first learn to understand your bodys physiology and other mechanisms and how a low carb diet can fulfill all those requirements. When it comes to the adverse side of a low carb diet, then you must understand that there are few side effects such as hair loss, etc., and once you learn as how to handle such situations, then the low carb diet is the perfect choice for your weight reduction programme.

With the advent of Internet, there will not be any dearth of information once you log on and search for information in Internet and you can get all your doubts clarified.