Quitting smoking

It is very easy for you to advice any of your near and dear that smokes that it is best to quit smoking as it is undesirable for health, but only a smoker knows how difficult it is to quit smoking. Most smokers may go through withdrawal symptoms that are not just unpleasant, but also very difficult to bear. It is true of most addictions, but it is good to believe that it is not difficult once one is determined about the harms that smoking brings about and the health advantages that would accrue from quitting smoking.

Anyone that makes an attempt to quit smoking is sure to undergo various side-effects that accrue from the withdrawal of nicotine. Addictive substances like nicotine that are colorless, odorless and organic-based alkaloids are a super toxin that go into the blood, with just 1mg of it having the capacity to kill the largest rat. So you would surely agree that it is s easily possible that nicotine slowly destroys the gray matter in human beings.

So it is just that this clever toxin binds to the different areas of your body especially the receptors in the brain to create a pleasant feeling. It is difficult to give up anything you are addicted to and this applies to side effects on quitting smoking also.

However it is important to remember that smoking causes a host of disorders and diseases with problems in digestion and cancer being prominently connected with smoking.  It is however possible that bowel and intestinal movements may be temporary affected in the process of getting used to the absence of alcohol. In addition stress, anxiety and depression could cause problems in the gastro-intestinal tract. It is necessary to first understand in detail the side-effects of nicotine withdrawal to be able to view it in a positive angle.

Quit smoking symptoms side effects that can be expected

It is found that depression characterized with sadness, loneliness, disruption of sleep, fatigue, stomach pains, poor memory, digestive problems an inability to concentrate, loss of appetite or weight gain, loss of self-esteem, loss of sexual drive, irritability, hopelessness, headaches and change in bowel movements are noticed. Some may also experience serious depression because it means something great to give up years of dependence on nicotine. It can be traumatic, with serious depression leading to need for medical assistance.
This could prove traumatic as it is not just your mind breaking free of the nicotine bondage, and as the dependence on nicotine is decreasing, the physical sensitivity readjustment is also occurring as the brain resumes command and control. It sometimes proves as hard as getting over the emotional bond of inter-dependence as in the death of a near or dear or the marriage of a family member.

Again leaving nicotine is like leaving behind a lifelong companion that fills you with a sense of loneliness and feeling copped up.   But it is best to realize that this companion was unhealthy and brings about your ruin, so it is time that you recognized that you need a friend that heals you and is healthy. Convincing yourself that you are now getting out of the rut in which you were so far, that had restricted your activities as you needed your regular quota of nicotine periodically has ended now. Thinking positively that you are now starting a new and fresh life and altering your outlook would help us become strong to face the life of a non-smoker.

One more of the significant quit smoking symptoms side effects that can be expected is increased appetite and hunger. Many may attribute this to the healing of taste buds and revived sense of smell, but the truth is far from this aspect. It is opined that the increase in hunger is due to many other causes the most important being the replacement of feeding for those that was previously given by nicotine. It is the loss of stored fats and sugar that is pumped into the blood by the nicotine induced adrenaline. This could lead to weight gain that needs to be controlled and minimized.
Your dependency was a nicotine-induced flood of unearned dopamine, but this should not induce you to eat more and gain weight, as serious weight gain could not motivate you to lose weight.  You would do the best in satisfying this urge with substituting unhealthy foods by healthy substitutes like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Probably this urge to eat extra could also be due to your smoking regularly after each meal that indirectly signals the brain to not stop. A walk after each meal, or immediate brushing of the teeth and diverting yourself to do other jobs like cleaning up the dishes would help get over the urge. It would also help to chew a stick of sugarless gum o do a few deep breathing exercises.  

However some may find that even if they do not eat excessively they may still gain weight that is caused by extra water retention that is associated with physiological changes. But water retention will be got over in about 15 days. It is also possible that minor metabolism changes can account for a few extra unburned calories each day. However there would be   enhanced cardiovascular abilities due to improved overall lung function and general enhanced performance of the entire body. So it is not nicotine withdrawal but overeating that causes increase of weight.

To conclude there could be many other side-effects, but overcoming them becomes easy with a strong resolve that smoking is injurious for health, so being patient and persistent pays in the form of improved and good health.