What is sleep apnea and how does it affect toddlersbabies

Sleep apnea or breathing that is interrupted repeatedly during sleep is a very serious disorder with most children having to some extent that they soon outgrow. However it is rather revealing to note that this disorder could cause serious problems in overall growth, behavior and learning and in serious cases could cause problems in heart and lungs and also lead to high blood pressure. Sleep apnea could be obstructive or caused by blockages, central where the brain fails to pass on the message to the muscles to breathe or could be a mixture of the 2 types. However obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is most common.

The most common problem, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is common among children and has been the most significant cause for attention behavioral problems in children. It shows up as weight loss or poor weight gain, breathing from the mouth that could be also due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids. This disorder could also show symptoms like restlessness and sleep problems, excessive daytime sleepiness, and problems in paying attention, hyperactivity, and aggressive that could lead to problems at school. A pediatric sleep specialist would be the most appropriate person to suggest sleep apnea solutions that would suit your baby best.

Watch out for these symptoms for sleep apnea in toddlers babies

Obstructive sleep apnea, the most common sleep disorder in babies makes it very difficult for the toddler to get enough air to the lungs and is most commonly caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids that are present in the throat behind the nose. They could temporarily block air to the lungs when the muscles relax. The first sign that calls for suspicion is that your child would breathe through the mouth, both during night and daytimes and could cough/choke, being a restless sleeper sweating profusely while sleeping.

Some other reasons for obstructions could be overweight, a receding chin and a cleft palate, with children suffering from Down syndrome and other congenital conditions having difficulties in the upper airways. So it is quite common for you to observe that toddlers could repeatedly wake up at night due to difficulties experienced in breathing.

An observation of a babys daytime behavior would offer more important clues like the toddler being more irritable, cranky and frustrated.
Falling asleep at the most inappropriate of times because he/she is tired, it is common to see slow growth and development in such babies due to the lack of sleep and inability to take advantage of growth hormones that are generally released during sleep. Loss of weight and growth problems could be also due to his/her using up calories to maintain the activity of breathing.

Do consult your pediatrician in case of doubt for prompt professional advice and help

Your childs pediatrician or sleep specialist would be the best person to know, analyze and suggest remedies for your babys sleep apnea disorder. The specialist would examine the toddlers sleeping habits and carry on an examination of his/her upper airway. The sleep specialist could prescribe certain medications in case the disorder is diagnosed as the failure of the brain to signal the muscles to breathe, with it helping to improve the signaling.

The use of a polysomnogram helps not only monitor brain waves, and breathing, but also eye movement and blood oxygen levels as well as sounds of gasping and snoring during sleep. Measuring in many cases also the breathing and heart rate they could give an indication of sleep apnea crisis.

Your baby may be referred to an otolaryngologist, a pulmonologist, or a sleep apnea expert in case allergies and obstructions are the cause of the problem.