Holistic health care concentrates on the general health and up keep of the body all of its complex systems. Its treatment is not just symptomatic or focusing on the immediate problem but on the general well being of the body. Holistic health care treatments aim to cure the ailment by bringing you close to nature putting you in to a higher level of spirituality or to your chosen form of god. Often meditation or an inner contemplation of the problem is combined with natural herbs and medicines to allow the body to manage its own repairs.

Wellness is another term used often in conjunction with holistic health care. North America has a number of establishments set up under this name- Wellness centre. There are only a few genuine wellness centers that integrate both mental and physical fitness with nutrition and stress management. Many others are just fitness centers with a nutritionist on staff.

Whether it is traditional drugs or surgery or a variety of holistic healthy care, wellness is the expected result of all forms of health care. Its aim is to make people happier, contented with their life and live with minimum of pain. Similar to all medicines and health care, sometimes, holistic health care is not enough to tackle the problem and a situation and time may arise when holistic health care needs assistance.

Integrated Health Care

In integrated health care the patient undergoes a combination of standard pharmaceutical and physical therapies along with components of holistic health care. It is true that positive attitudes and behavior can help in the recovery from various diseases. It is also a fact that sometimes nothing works. Science provides doctors and other health providers, instruments to try and nudge the odds of getting well. A combination of holistic health care and traditional health care should be a no brainer if it provides a better out come for the patient.

What we call holistic health care, after all, was the normal practice till the last few hundred years. It is still in favour and considered essential in many of the oriental countries.
Integrated health care truly combines behavioral and mind body practices with preventive medicine, self management, traditional drugs, surgeries and therapies to enable the best chance for survival or for the wellness of the patient. This is the essence of the current practice form of holistic health care.