Thousands of people are affected by Diabetes Mellitus a very serious and potentially fatal disease. A decrease in quality of life and longevity is caused by the complications of this disease like blindness, nerve damage, circulatory disorders, ulceration of the skin and many others.

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About Carbohydrate Metabolism Diabetes Control

Simple and complex sugars constitute carbohydrates mainly. These sugars have to be broken down into the simplest form to be utilized by the body for energy. While some sugars are used up immediately a few others are stored up in the liver or muscles and others are stored as fat for use later. This process is called carbohydrate Metabolism.

Carbohydrates are metabolized much more quickly than proteins. As proteins are more complex they go through many changes before they are split into the simplest forms of energy.

Planning a Menu According to Carbohydrate Metabolism
When once carbohydrate metabolism is properly under stood, it will be of in valuable help to a person to plan a suitable diabetes-friendly diet. Most dieticians have brought in many alterations in the way of diet control for diabetic patients.

No more the days when diabetes never touched sweets or ice creams. Today teaching methods centre round the net carbs contained in each food portions control is stressed and not calorie content. Doctors want patients to adjust their insulin dosages as per their carbohydrate in take.

Menu balances proportions of carbohydrates to those of proteins. A portion should not be more that a clenched fist. Dinner plates have to be divided into sections filed with suitably sized portions balanced with fruits and vegetable. Foods with concentrated sugars should be minimized. Low fat foods are preferred to reduce weight and regular exercise is recommended.

Too much of carbohydrates increases blood sugar level as the pancreas cannot produce insulin to compensate for the higher levels of glucose. Insulin can be adjusted to make glucose level normal but proteins must be taken to sustain the normal level of blood glucose as the endogenous insulin lower the blood sugar level. Frequent blood sugar tests are a must to keep carbohydrate metabolism in check.

Abnormal glucose levels strain the weakened internal organs of the diabetic. It should be avoided at any cost, following strict dietary control and glucose monitoring can keep diabetes in check and save the patient.