Oral herpes, commonly called as cold sores, is caused by a virus known as Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1). This virus is responsible for nearly 80% of all cases of oral herpes. Oral herpes is contagious in nature and can spread when you make contact through saliva, mucous membranes, and skin. Usually, cold sores occur in young children due to frail immune system. It is imperative to treat oral herpes in time to avoid the risk of complications.

Important Treatment Tips to get rid of Herpes in the Mouth:

It should be noted that oral herpes has no complete cure. Only the severity of the symptoms can be reduced. Mentioned below are some important tips to curb the spread of herpes of the mouth:

• Do not touch the blisters. Allow them to heal naturally. Pricking and breaking them should be avoided as it will spread the infection and slowdown the process of healing.

• Use medications that are antiviral in nature, such as Aciclovir, Famciclover, and Valaciclover. These medications function by decelerating the virus multiplication rate and allowing the immune to bide its time so that it can retaliate.

• A wide range of topical medications are available that control the spread of the virus. One such effective cream is Doconasol, which does not allow the virus to fuse with cell membranes. This prevents the virus from penetrating the skin. Other potent medications include Tromantadine and Zilactin.

• Pain killers, which are sold over-the-counter, can alleviate the pain effectively. Pain is a common symptom in individuals affected by the herpes infection. Some of the most effective pain killers include Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. Discretion is advised when you administer aspirin to children as it can lead to Reye’s syndrome.

• A warm or cold compress is very effective when applied to the blisters. This mitigates the pain to a great extent.

• Natural therapy is often used to counter the symptoms of oral herpes. Lysine, an amino acid, found in meat and dairy products, can give a tremendous boost to your immune system, and reduce the symptoms of oral herpes. Many topical ointments and supplements also contain this amino acid. Propolis and lemon balm are two such herbal supplements that can help in palliating the symptoms substantially.

• Include red grapes and yogurt in your diet for positive results.

• A common home remedy to treat oral herpes includes use of an ice cube pack on the affected region.

Certain other factors that may exacerbate the problem of herpes in the mouth include mental and emotional stress. Although it is not possible to cure oral herpes completely, you can follow the abovementioned measures to deprecate its reoccurrence considerably.