How much essential is sleep for children

The distress of this stuffy nose makes me crazy, making me want to take a dagger and hit the life out of it, it was nothing more than the cry of a neighbor that had been subject to the agonies of a stuffed nose very often. She felt it made it difficult to look after her young children and balance a life with work and home. Well, colds and stuffy nose look like harmful disorders that just come and go, but could sometimes make you real crazy and depressed.

Come winter or change is seasons, many fall a prey to the disorder, stuffy nose that is caused by colds, allergies and infections. Facing a mental and physical torture it is quite distressing for those that suffer from pollen allergies and infections to be constantly subject to nasal congestions. Stuffy nose that is caused with thick mucus and tissues that are swollen the lining of the nose and inflamed blood vessels could also be accompanied with heaviness in the head and general feeling of sickness. It is true to say that you could neither sleep well nor breathe clearly and feel fresh.

Great sleeping remedies for kids that have really worked

1.What a child eats, drinks, and the way a child exercises himself/herself makes an impact on the quality of sleep one gets. Stop giving your child snacks about
2 to 3 hours before bedtime making sure to avoid foods that contain caffeine and sugar. If the child insists a warm milk drink, some turkey or saltines can be given as they help induce natural sleep with the chemical tryptophan. Giving your child enough water during the day and avoiding it at bedtime helps induce good sleep without the urge to go to the restroom often at night. Exercise and physical activity in the form of a brisk walk, cycling, skipping and playing helps the brain to increase quality sleep.

2.Some bedtime rituals/routines like narrating or reading a bedtime story to younger children, allowing older children to cuddle with a favorite blanket or
stuffed toy and keeping children comfortably dressed for bed could act as one of the great sleep remedies for kids to have good dreams in dreamland. A comfortable and pleasant bedroom with an amicable atmosphere and adequate air can calm a child to go to sleep.

3.You would be the best parent to start off on some pre-bedtime relaxation techniques like a foot rub that helps keep his/her foot warm and comfortable. Next
teaching a young child breathing exercises with asking the child to visualize an elevator going and down with each inhalation and exhalation would help send your kid to deep sleep. Prayer has been one of the time-tested great sleeping remedies for kids as children feel secure entrusting their cares and worries to the Almighty relaxing, with the use of positive affirmations about their own self helping children to feel positive about themselves as they travel to dreamland.

4.Avoiding/reducing distractions during the night time like excess of light and sounds have helped children with sleep disorders. It would be great to replace a
clock with silver illumination with another that lights up when a button is pressed. Similarly it is best to avoid placing the bed of the child near the bedroom door as light that seeps in could disturb him/her. Putting dark curtains on bedroom windows could help reduce light coming into kids bedroom. It would be best to avoid using the TV in the kids bedroom, and to make your child use earplugs in absolute necessities. Also allowing your child to listen to relaxing music proves as a lullaby to put one to sleep.

5.Sleep disorders and night time tantrums arise out of fear of the unknown especially at nights, so assurance and support from parents that dreams are just
dream and are never true help children to get over nightmares and night terrors. This would help children feel reassured that their parents are always there to make them feel secure and this would help them to sleep better qualitatively.

These great sleep remedies for kids sure work wonders.