Each and everyone have the fear of aging in their life. Our mind and body change during our lifetime and this process is called ageing. A negative approach towards life in ageing causes unnecessary anxiety. It also brings down the quality of their life. Fear of ageing always leads to multiple loss and this in turn leads to wrinkles, weakening of body organs, loss of teeth and beauty.

The society gives more attention to this face which is the truth of physical changes. By this way they also try to avert the unnecessary anxiety in them. Another aspect of ageing is that people fear they are not respected and wanted by the society anymore. They start feeling that they are not smart anymore as they would have retired by then. Ageing is indeed inevitable but one need not be reminded of those dreadful days when they will be left in homes to fend for themselves.

A Positive Affirmation

Finally we are helpless to stop this process of ageing. But fashion, cosmetic and plastic surgery business are minting money over this anxiety and fear of ageing. It is in their
economic interest to scare us so that we keep buying their products and services, despite the fact that it cannot stop death.

Inspite of the known fact that the word ageing has many negative associations coming with it, one can develop different perspectives to look at ageing. Lord Buddha, in his preachings has said that if we see life as a temporary illusion we can detach ourselves from the physical reality which in turn deletes suffering and pain from our lives. We should learn to live today and this moment and accept the good and bad as it comes including this ageing process.

Moreover we are so much obsessed with our youth that we are unable to accept the changes of our life that come as we age. With a positive note we can learn to accept the good changes that come with ageing. There are also other ways to learn to live with ageing positively.

Relationships should be nurtured and strengthened as we grow older. We always need to keep close contacts so that we slowly learn to live like them positively.

Yoga, meditation and prayer are the best to develop one spiritually and help us to detach ourselves physically. One should need to understand that divinity is everlasting. Help the needy and that will surely bring about a change in ones life. Let the beauty of ageing shine as we shower love on animals and fellow human beings.