Examination of the Pharynx

The pharynx can be seen partially by forceful traction on the tongue, by the fingers wrapped in a handkerchief. It begins in back of the one-half inch uvula, which hangs down freely from the posterior rim of the palate.

1. Observe the sides of the pharynx where the tongue appears to originate, and note the irregular flesh colored tonsils on each side. When removed, a small cavity remains in their

Fig. 29. The pharynx is the region of the tonsils, back part of the nose and swallowing area. It is probably the most examined of all body regions, and reflects many diseases.

site. Adult tonsils may be atrophied to a pea size or if irritated and infected, be as large as grapes and flecked with pus.

2. With a flashlight, examine the back of the pharynx while attempting to yawn. An all-over redness, with noticeable soreness, usually means pharyngitis as in colds, sore throats, etc.

3. Examine the wall of the pharynx on all sides and the back of the tongue, if possible, for any one particular sore, ulcer or bleeding point, which may mean cancer.