The Liver

Jaundice. Yellow jaundice is a diseased state in which bile accumulates in the blood stream, and colors all the body tissues yellow. This is first noted in the whites of the eyes, but eventually it covers the entire body and may even be seen in urine

Fig. 85. The liver is normally smooth and soft, and weighs about five to eight pounds in adults. The “factory” organ, it manufactures many body necessities, but its functions are so numerous that not all of them are known.
and perspiration which may have a yellowish tint.

Jaundice, a complex medical problem, is usually caused by one of three situations.
1. It may be an inherited disease, involving the spleen.
2. It may be due to gallstones blocking the duct from the liver.
3. Jaundice may be caused by an infection of the liver itself, called hepatitis.

Uncovering the exact cause of jaundice may be a very taxing problem even for the most learned of physicians. Besides requiring an accurate and lengthy history of the jaundice, a de-

Fig. 86. The liver ordinarily is tucked up under the ribs, but in disease may enlarge greatly to occupy nearly half of the abdomen. In such diseases, it becomes quite tender and is occasionally accompanied by jaundice.

tailed examination is necessary along with numerous laboratory tests to confirm or dispel all possibilities. We should realize that only the physician is qualified to recognize the extremely serious possibilities of this disease, and though its cause may be deeply rooted, jaundice is often completely relieved through good medical treatment. Delay in seeking adequate treatment may be foolhardy, but attempts at home remedy or drug store cures for jaundice are open invitations to disaster.

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