Breast Cancer – Effect of Environmental and Other Risk Factors

Despite continuous research the exact cause for breast cancer has not been identified. Though many factors are supposed to cause breast cancer, many women do not have the risk factor. Information regarding the risk factor of environment in the incidence of breast cancer is only to get an over all view of contributing factors and how we can keep ourselves healthy and keep the cancer at bay.

Our environment is overloaded with toxins, a large number of which are considered as carcinogens. Though we think that these poisonous substances affect our health, there is no clinical proof for comparison of one with the other. Every individual is unique with varying life styles and genetics and so is affected in different ways. It becomes difficult to zero in on the causal effect.Common sense requires us to keep ourselves, as far as possible, away from exposure to carcinogenic substances like cigarette smoke and strong chemical like pesticides. Overly processed foods with main additives and burnt food should be scrupulously avoided.

Other risk factors are

1) Radiation: According to Mayo clinic, radiation treatment to chest during ones childhood makes the person vulnerable to cancer of the breast.

2) Over weight after menopause plays a major role in the incidence of breast cancer.

3) There is a higher risk for a woman who has her periods at a young age and has menopause only at after the age of 55.

4) Hormone therapy with estrogen and progesterone for four years or more is also is a high risk factor.

5) Smoking and constant exposure to second hand smoke plays a vital role in bringing breast cancer.

6) Unlimited use of alcohol is risky and it is good to have only one drink per day at the most.

7) According to statistics women over fifty are prone to get breast cancer. The risk dramatically increases from that age onwards.

8) At present, in the complex world, being born as a woman by itself introduces the risk factor for breast cancer.

Research on breast cancer reveals a better understanding and a proactive attitude to be healthy and cancer free. More and better knowledge about breast cancer helps us to take decisions and alter our life for a positive effect.