Urination, one of the important processes carried out by the body to eliminate waste, with this process helping the body to maintain good health and prevent it from various damages. Any disorder in the ability to urinate like frequent urination, pain and burning sensation during urination or difficulty in passing urine or emptying the bladder completely could be due to various causes. Urinary tract infection or UTI or just bladder infection could be a predominant cause for difficulties and peculiarities in urination.

Understanding this important process in the human body makes one realize that the kidney an important part of the urinary system performs the task of filtering the blood and discharging urine. The waste in the form of urine is then carried to the urinary bladder and accumulates there. Once the bladder is full you would feel the urge to pass urine making you to voluntarily release urine. Urine passes out through the ureter to the urethra and is released from the body. Infections in the urinary system could be just in the bladder or in the urinary tract; hence the difference bladder and urinary tract infection.

Differences between bladder infection and urinary tract infection

Learning all about bladder infection versus urinary tract infection would be better understood when we realize that bladder is just a part of the urinary system, hence bladder infection could form just one of the urinary tract infections. Bladder infection also referred to as cystitis refers to the infection in the urinary bladder that is caused with harmful bacteria and substances entering the bladder where urine is collected and stored before being expelled from the body. Causing infection and inflammation, bladder infection could occur due to various reasons with inadequate emptying of the bladder being a predominant factor.

The stagnation of urine inside the urinary bladder could cause infection in the cells that are connected with the bladder only. This action allows urine to stagnate inside the bladder, which can be a haven for bacteria over time.

As most of us are aware the urinary tract is responsible for removing waste products in the form of urine and maintaining the balance of fluids in the body. As opposed to bladder infection that is infection and inflammation in the bladder, urinary tract infection or UTI is the term that is used collectively for the infection in the lower urinary tract that involves mostly the ureters and urethra only.

It is significant to note that infection and inflammation is mainly caused with the entry of bacteria through the opening of the urethra with pain while urinating being an important symptom.

Again every bladder infection is a UTI, but all UTIs are not bladder infections. Bladder infections more common in women than men because the urethras are short make it much easier for the bacteria Escherichia coli, yeast and parasites to enter it. Bladder infection or cystitis presents itself with symptoms like burning sensation while urinating that is sometimes very frequent and in small amounts. In addition there could be presence of blood in urine with the urine being strong smelling accompanied by discomfort and pressure in the lower abdomen. Some could also complain of low grade fever.

On the other hand, UTI could mean that the bladder, urethra, urethral neck have been affected and if untreated could lead to more complications due to the kidney being affected. Some of the symptoms of urinary tract infection could be strong and persistent urge to empty the bladder accompanied with a burning sensation while urinating and passing of small amounts of urine. There could be bacteria and blood in the urine, with some infections in the upper urinary tract showing up as chills and high fever.

So dear friends just understand that a bladder infection versus urinary tract infection means that every bladder infection is a urinary tract infection, but it is not the other way around.