Tinnitus is a condition where sufferers hear noises such as the “whooshing” sound оf waves оr wind in their ears. Other sounds they may hear are buzzing, hissing, humming, clicking, roaring, cracking, etc. These sounds mostly can only be heard by them and no one else.

My Doctor Said to Me: Do This Tonight to Make
Ear Ringing (Tinnitus) Disappear

Research has shown that about 36 million Americans suffer frоm thіѕ disorder and the number is much larger worldwide. Tinnitus has many causes. Damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerves, aging, frequent use of strong medication, exposure to loud noises, etc. are all possible causes of tinnitus.

There are several treatment options for tinnitus sufferers and each will depend on the underlying cause of the tinnitus. You should remember that tinnitus cannot be cured but you can try and mitigate the symptoms to a point where they diminish or temporarily disappear.

• You may use ear plugs. This is especially helpful for people whose occupation exposes them to loud noises constantly.

• Ear drops can also be used to fight ear infections that cause tinnitus. Usually, your doctor will prescribe ear drops that contain hydrocortisone. Any itching or ringing in the ear will be relieved. You should always consult a doctor before using ear drops. Do not self-medicate.

• Suction devices can also be used if the cause of the tinnitus is compacted earwax. The device will help to clean out the excessive wax and relieve your symptoms.

• A tinnitus mask is similar to a hearing aid and it is affixed to your ear. It works by playing a sound that is more tolerable than the annoying, incessant ringing. It will distract you from your tinnitus and train you to ignore the ringing.

• Certain medicines such as antibiotics can be used to treat ear infections that could be causing the tinnitus. It has also been observed that people suffering from anxiety and depression also develop tinnitus. This can be prevented by taking doses of antidepressants such as amitriptyline which your doctor will prescribe.

• If you’re unable to hear because of the ringing in your ears, you should use hearing aids. It may seem ironic that you can hear the ringing but suffer hearing loss. That’s because the ringing you hear is caused by the way the brain is responding.

• Surgery is effective for those with objective tinnitus or symptoms that may be caused by a benign tumor.

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another method where the doctor will help you cope with tinnitus by removing negative thoughts and attitudes about your tinnitus that may be self-defeating.

• Supplementing your body with vitamins is also effective in treating tinnitus. Pulsatilla and Chinese foxglove root when consumed in low doses have been shown to help in reducing hearing loss and tinnitus symptoms.

• Relaxation therapy can also be used to combat tinnitus. Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, etc. are all very effective to distress the mind and body. Since stress worsens tinnitus, this can be very helpful.

These are just some of the treatment methods that you can use to alleviate your symptoms. You should do your own research and see what else you can do to improve your condition and reduce the tinnitus symptoms so that your life is more pleasant and bearable.